Burgess船公司工作簡介會 Burgess Recruitment Briefing



9月26日下午五時本會與Burgess 船員代理在中心會議室舉辦遊樂船船員招聘簡介活動。由 Joe Yuen (Chief Representative) 介紹其船隊空缺,入職條件和待遇。共有三十多人出席。部份人對這工作很有興趣。

Burgess’s agent cooperated with  AUS held a briefing on the recruitment of the yacht crew at HKISSC on 26/9. Joe Yuen (Chief Representative) introduced his fleet vacancies, entry requirements and treatment. More than 30 people attended. Some people are very interested in this job.

工會簡介會-海事訓練學院 Union Briefing-MSTI
2020延期大會 Adjourned Meeting2020