探訪“M.V. TS KAOHSIUNG”商船船員 Ship Visiting “M.V. TS KAOHSIUNG”



Ship Visiting “M.V. TS KAOHSIUNG”

2020年12月23日深夜,本會與香港國際海員服務中心工作團隊前往4號集裝箱碼頭探訪了“M.V.TS KAOHSIUNG”號商船船員。
“M.V.TS KAOHSIUNG”號商船是台灣地區的商船,主要往返於日本、中國大陸、台灣、香港及泰國等國家和地區,商船船員主要來自中國大陸、台灣等地區。
該船的二副林來平來自福建泉州,一個月前剛剛由“BELAWAN”商船換班下船,由於疫情造成的海員緊缺,不得不再次被派到“M.V.TS KAOHSIUNG”商船工作。他對中心此次探訪表示衷心感謝,並希望待疫情結束能到中心參觀、小憩。 Ms. KO Loyi是來自台灣地區的一名90後女性實習海員,她第一次獲知海員服務,感到很驚訝。她表示,全球疫情蔓延情況下,經歷了長時間的海上孤寂生活,見到海員同行們並進行交流,感到既高興又激動,真誠地感謝香港國際海員服務中心。

AUS and HKISSC team visited a container ship “M.V.TS KAOHSIUNG” on 23/12. This is a merchant ship in Taiwan, it mainly operating between Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and other countries and the crew are mainly come from China, Taiwan and other regions. We introduced our main services and presented souvenirs to the crew.
Due to the shortage of crew by the coronavirus, Mr. Lam, the 2/O started work on M.V.TS KAOHSIUNG one month after he finished the contract from another container ship “BELAWAN.
He appreciates this visiting and hoped that they can come to centre after the epidemic. Ms. KO Loyi, a deck cadet  from Taiwan, she was shocked when she noticed we provided seafarer services.She was also happy and excited for our services were warm and touching in her long time sea life.

我們與“M.V.TS KAOHSIUNG”商船的船員進行交流,了解他們的生活與健康狀況。
We communicated with the crew of the “M.V.TS KAOHSIUNG”  to understand their life and health conditions.

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