遊樂船職位簡介會(三) Burgess Job Briefing Session(3)



Burgess代表 Joe 表示,因船員要駕駛船上的快艇接載賓客,因此持有遊樂船隻二級操作人證明書的人士將優先考慮。

We co-organized a second job briefing session with Burgess on 24/6 (Thu), the session mainly introduced steward positions, in which many experienced crew in river trade would interest to work on super yachts.
Joe, the representative of Burgess said that the crew on yacht need to operate speed craft for picking up guests, therefore there will be priority for who has Pleasure Vessel Operator Grade 2 Certificate.


Burgess 船長及代表John (左及右)向各船員講解遊樂船的工作內容及性質。
Captain and John, the representative of Burgess (left and right), introduced the job’s duties to the officers.


河南鄭洲水災捐款 Zhengzhou, Henan flood donation
2021延期大會 Adjourned Meeting2021